An Algorithm for Interpreting PFTs
Question 1: Obstruction
Is there obstruction to airflow present?
FEV1/FVC - Reduction in this ratio
Men |
Lower limit of FEV1/FVC |
< Predicted- 8% |
Women |
Lower limit of FEV1/FVC |
< Predicted- 9% |
How severe is it?
Mild Obstruction |
FEV1 65 - 80% predicted |
Moderate Obstruction |
FEV1 50 -65% predicted |
Severe Obstruction |
FEV1 < 50% predicted |
Is it reversible or fixed?
- Does the FEV1 or FVC increase by at least 15% after
inhalation of a bronchodilator?
Is it possibly consistent with emphysema?
- Are lung volumes increased consistent with air-trapping
- Is the DLCO reduced consistent with loss of alveolocapillary
Question 2: Restriction
Is there a restrictive process present?
- TLC less than 80% predicted
How severe is it?
Mild |
TLC or FVC |
65 - 80% predicted |
Moderate |
TLC or FVC |
50 -65% predicted |
Severe |
TLC or FVC |
< 50% predicted |
Is it a parenchymal process?
- Reduction in DLCO is consistent with parenchymal
Is it an extra-parenchymal process (kyphosis, muscle weakness)?
- DLCO will usually be normal.
- Maximal Inspiratory and expiratory pressures reduced
Is there a combined obstructive restrictive disorder present ?
- TLC is low and FEV1/FVC ratio is low
Question 3: Combined Obstructive and Restrictive Disease
Concomitant reduction in TLC and FEV1/FVC
Quantitation of severity
- Obstruction:Use FEV1
- Restriction: Use TLC or VC
- Sarcoidosisis, CF, obliterative bronchiolitis
- COPD + muscle weakness
Question 4: Isolated Pulmonary Vascular Disease
Is there an isolated gas exchange abnormality?
- Normal PFT’s other than reduction in DLCO
- Think of:
- Pulmonary embolism
- Pulmonary vascular disease – (e.g.,, pulmonary artery
- Early interstitial lung disease
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How To Report PFTs
The report includes
- the tabulation of results of the tests performed, juxtaposed with
the predicted values for the subject, generated by the technician and
- an analysis and
- summary generated by me.
I attempt to keep the report short. The longer, the less likely
to be read. In the analysis, I do not repeat the findings except as
significant positives or negatives and I always state them in the context
of the analysis. For example, "The increase in the RV and the
decrease in the indices of forced expiratory flow and the specific airways
conductance indicate obstructive airways disease."
I attempt to make the logic explicit. For example, "The decrease
in TLC indicates restriction. The markedly diminished MIP suggests
that this is due to chest wall disease while the normal diffusing capacity
suggests that it is not due to a parenchymal process, such as interstitial
fibrosis". This keeps me intellectually honest, and communicates
more meaningfully.
Prior tests can be very valuable because comparison with self is
inherently more sensitive than comparison with population norms and may
give essential information about the progress of the disease or the
positive or negative response to treatment. I always look at all the
previous results. I often select out specific items for tabulation
(my secretaries are very good at pulling out the numbers in the finished
report if I simply say "please make a table showing the TLCs, the VCs, and
the DLCOs for all of those tests") when progression is worth reviewing.
I do, however, analyze the findings in the current test on its own merits
before turning to comparison with previous tests, which, I suspect, has on
occasion kept me from propagating a prejudice.
The Summary gives the major conclusions including qualifications,
important outstanding questions, and suggestions for how one might
proceed. It is brief (shorter than the analysis) and does not repeat
the findings or the logic. It is intended to tell the referring
physician what I think is going on and to help him or her to decide what
to do.
First, I decide what my bottom line is going to be and how to qualify
it. For example, "Moderate restrictive process probably due to a
parenchymal disease, with an independent obstructive component."
Second, I try to envision what this report will do for the referring
physician. The physician may have posed a particular question such
as "Preop for bronchogenic carcinoma" which warrants a specific comment.
If the referring physician has questioned asthma and is not in a
subspecialty that handles asthma often, I may say "These findings do not
rule out the clinical diagnosis of asthma". In an extremely obese patient
who has perfectly normal pulmonary function tests, obstructive sleep apnea
and obesity hypoventilation spring to mind and should be mentioned.
If pulmonary fibrosis is suspected, I may suggest that "if clinically
indicated, we could probe the possibility of gas exchange abnormality more
finely with oximetry, arterial blood gases, and steady state diffusing
capacity during rest and exercise". If a test result is very
surprising or potentially urgent (a preoperative patient, or a PaO2 of
43), I contact the physician directly by phone!
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Interpret Pulmonary Function Tests